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Bribie Island Photography Club

Club meeting times: 4th Monday of the month (except Dec) from 7pm to 9.30pm in the Boardroom at BICAC.
Kristie White

The Bribie Island Photography Club meets on the
fourth Monday of each month except December,
(we even meet on Public Holidays which fall on that Monday), at the Bribie Island Community Arts Centre
in the Boardroom.
Address: 191 Sunderland Drive, Banksia Beach, Bribie Island 4507
Time: 7:00pm and we usually finish around 9:30pm.
NOTE: The Arts Centre main entrance will be closed at that time, so go around to the rear of the main building and enter from the rear pedestrian gate.
The Boardroom is immediately on your right.
Car parking is available there also.
Visitors are welcome.
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